Study Purpose
Research Question
Four-wave study
We wanted to ask students (age 12-18) in our metro school divisions - Calgary Catholic/Public, Edmonton Catholic/Public, with Rocky View joining in Wave 5 & 6 - how they are feeling about COVID-19 and the present state of their mental health and resiliency in their first few weeks during return to school.
What are the self-reported mental health needs and resiliency indicators of students returning to school amidst COVID-19?
Wave 1 data collection completed October 2, 2020.
N = 2425
COVID-related health questions:
- family and personal physical health
during and concerns regarding
COVID-19 (present and future)
Impact of Event Scales (CRIES; Weiss & Mamar, 1997):
- measure of objective stress in three
areas of functioning: Intrusion,
avoidance, and arousal
Behaviour Intervention Monitoring Assessment System (BIMAS-2; McDougal et al., 2016):
- measuring conduct, negative affect,
cognitive/attention, and social and
academic functioning
Child and Youth Resilience Measure (CYRM-R; Jefferies et al., 2013)
- measure of resiliency in 3 areas:
Individual, caregiver, and context.
With which cultural/ethnic group do they identify?
N = 2,425
With which gender do your students identify?
Which school division do these students attend?
N = 2,425
How old are they?
N = 2,425