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WAVE 2 Results

December 2020

Red Wall & Stairs


How are students feeling about remote and parent involvement in their learning experiences including:


  • socializing with people in their bubble

  • respect for physical distancing

  • frequency of exposure to news and information about COVID-19

  • their concern about impacts on household members, vulnerable populations, country/world health, health system overload, maintaining social ties, and violence in the home

Student Experiencs
Man with Mask

Close, but not too close!

In the past month, to what extent did students physical distance

close but not too close.png

Most of the time

(1235, 51.5%)


All of the time

(319, 13.3%)


Some of the time

(562, 23.4%)


Not most of the time

(226, 9.4%)


Not at all

(54, 2.3%)

Why do students mask up?

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Main Reasons?​

  • it's required

  • it's socially responsible

  • they didn’t want to get sick

Back of Female Head

How much do students worry about...

Their Personal Health?

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Not at all

(281, 14.8%)



(881, 46.2%)



(465, 25.2%)



(226, 9.4%)




were very or

extremely worried

Family Confinement and stress?

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Not at all

(350, 18.5%)



(630, 34.5%)



(510 28.1%)



(374, 18.9%)




were very or

extremely worried

Grade Differences?

Data Drop 14.png
Revewing Graphs
Beautiful Young Girl


Child Revised Impact of Events Scale

(CRIES; Weiss & Mamar, 1997):

     13-item measure of objective stress as it related to COVID-19 


4 Intrusion items 

   Do you think about it [the event] even when you don’t mean to?

4 Avoidance items

   Do you try not to think about it [the event]?

5 Arousal items

   Do you have sleep problems?


       Total score ranges from 0 to 65


   Clinical cutoff score of 30 or above (17 or above on the subscales) having been found to identify children with a diagnosis of PTSD.

running up staris

Overall, student stress regarding COVID-19 fell well below the clinical cutoff (30)
Arousal was highest individual area, but none close to clinical cutoff (17)

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Overall, students are managing COVID-19 stress?

Gender Differences?

Data Drop 13.png
Revewing Graphs
But some students are stressed about COVID-19

One in four (25%) students indicated that their self-reported COVID-19 stress exceeded the clinical cutoff
One in 7 (13.8%) self-reported arousal levels above critical cutoff 

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Self-reported stress and school return

No significant differences in stress reported by way of school return type.

Student Stress
Thinking About COVID

As metro AB students returned to school, we asked students how frequently these sentences were true in the last 7 days re COVID-19. Students age 15-18 rated frequency > 12-14 year olds.

Female Dog Walker


Behaviour Intervention Monitoring Assessment System

(BIMAS-2; McDougal et al., 2016)

   Measuring conduct, negative affect, cognitive/attention, and social and academic functioning

   The BIMAS-2 is a brief, repeatable self-report measure that is    useful for universal behavioral screening, progress monitoring,  outcome assessment, and program evaluation.


How do Stress Levels Differ Among Students?

Older students (15-18) reported sig. > arousal levels (e.g., sleep probs, irritability, feel more nervous) than did younger students (12-14).

Students Feeling & Behaviour
Sports Socks

How are their mental health and adaptive behaviours?

Overall, students self-reported mental health and adaptive behaviours in the normal ranges

Self-reported symptoms of conduct, negative affect, and cognitive/attention symptoms higher for females

BIMAS mental health and adaptive behavio
Distance Learning

In the last week, how often did students report?

I was anxious (nervous or worried)...

Just over one-third of students (38%) reported they they never or rarely felt worried or nervous in the week prior to completing survey
Almost the same percentage (38.1%) self-reported that they often or very often felt worried or nervous  in the week prior to completing survey

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of students were often or very often anxious

In the last week, how often did students report?

I was sad or withdrawn...

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of students were often or very often sad or withdrawn

Majority of students (53.3%) reported they they never or rarely felt sad or withdrawn in the week prior to completing survey
Over one quarter (25.8%) self-reported that they often or very often felt sad or withdrawn in the week prior to completing survey

Distance Learning

Females more sad and worried during last week

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Gender differences quite apparent in self-reporting of depressive and anxiety symptoms
Females reported significantly more sadness and worry in the week prior to the survey completion

Wheat Field
Indicators of Resiliency

I feel supported by my friends

Over three quarters of students (68.4%) self-reported that, during this period of school re-entry, they felt that their friends supported them
At least one in five (31.7%) indicated that they felt somewhat, a little, or not at all supported by friends at the time of the survey completion

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Bike Path


Child and Youth Resilience Measure

(CYRM-R; Jefferies et al., 2013)

    Measuring an estimate of resiliency in 3 areas: 
          Individual (personal skills, peer support, social skills);
          Caregiver (physical and psychological caregiving); and
          Context (spiritual, education, cultural). 
   We will review just two items here related to family and friends.

   We asked students to consider some of the personal, social, and contextual strengths that were both available and accessible to them.

Half Painted Wall

Are students feeling supported by their family?

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of students reported that they felt supported by family a lot or quite a bit

My family stands by me during difficult times...

Half Painted Wall
Half Painted Wall

Did students access professional support?

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Werklund School of Education

University of Calgary

2500 University Dr NW, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4

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